Tag: criminal tax fraud

income tax fraud

Is It Income Tax Fraud or Negligence?

Tax season is not usually something most people look forward to, primarily because of the stress that comes with attempting to of get your taxes done without making costly errors. While most people don’t purposely file their taxes incorrectly, there are some out there who look to cut corners in order to pay less than […]

when you don't pay taxes

5 Bad Things Happen When You Don’t Pay Taxes

Most people have payroll taxes and income tax withholding taken out of every paycheck, but that doesn’t happen if you have your own business or do freelance work. No matter how you earn your income, though, you still have an obligation to pay taxes. When you don’t pay taxes, though, you could be looking at […]

Foreign Bank Account Report

Foreign Bank Account Report Mistakes

If an American taxpayer has a financial interest in, or signature authority over, a foreign financial account, including a bank account, brokerage account, mutual fund, trust, or other type of foreign financial account, exceeding certain statutory thresholds, that taxpayer may be required to report the account annually to the Department of Treasury, using a Foreign […]

Committing Tax Fraud

5 Ways You’re Committing Tax Fraud

As virtually everyone knows, the Internal Revenue Code is complex and confusing. More than 74,600 pages in length, it is more than 187 times longer than it was a century ago. As one might imagine, “the Code” is full of twists, turns, and *surprises.” Some of these unexpected surprises can reach out and grab the […]

Prove Innocence From Tax Fraud

Prove Innocence From Tax Fraud

Tax fraud is generally defined as the willful misrepresentation or falsification of information on a tax form in order to avoid tax liability. While convictions are relatively rare, the penalties exacted upon anyone convicted are quite severe. Those convicted of tax fraud can be hit with fines of as much as $250,000 and imprisonment for […]

Tax Attorney

7 Reasons to Hire a Tax Attorney

  Even if you live under a rock, you are likely to know that the federal tax laws are complex. Indeed, according to a recent analysis prepared by the Tax Foundation, an independent tax policy nonprofit organization, the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) consists of some 2,412,000 words, with the regulations that help “explain” that law […]

Unfiled Tax Returns

The Dangers of Unfiled Tax Returns

Most of us have heard the procrastinator’s motto: “Why do today what can be postponed until tomorrow?” When it comes to unfiled tax returns, however, the tomorrows start piling up to the point that you’re very soon in serious trouble. What dangers do you face if you have unfiled tax returns with the Internal Revenue […]

Best Tax Attorney Near Me

Best Tax Attorney Near Me

People often ask, “how do I find the best tax attorney near me?” Of course, what they really mean is “how do I find the best tax attorney near me with the skill set necessary to take care of my unique problem or issue?”  Well, after 31 years of tax practice, first as an accountant […]

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