Tag: offer in compromise

OIC tax attorney

How to Hire an OIC Tax Attorney

We’ve covered offers-in-compromise (OICs) before in our blog posts.  That’s for good reason: here at Mackay, Caswell & Callahan, tax relief is a major area of our practice.  OICs can be a very attractive option for resolving back tax debt in certain cases. When someone owes tax debt to the IRS, he or she can submit an OIC.  It […]


The OIC Impact of Lloyd v. Commissioner

On April 10, 2017, the U.S. Tax Court published the opinion, Lloyd v. Commissioner (docket number 17559-15L). In that case, Lloyd, the petitioner, appealed an offer in compromise (OIC) rejection by the respondent, Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Lloyd based her OIC on the contention that collecting the full debt would be highly unlikely given the […]

New York Offer in Compromise

How Do You Make a New York Offer in Compromise?

As we’ve discussed before, an offer in compromise (OIC) is one of the best means to settle your back tax liability for less than the full amount. OICs have been used to help literally millions of Americans bring either their federal or state accounts up-to-date and begin on a fresh track. In New York State, taxpayers can submit an […]

How to Make a Successful Offer in Compromise

How to Make a Successful Offer in Compromise

One of the most common tools to reduce outstanding tax debt is to put forth what is called an “Offer in Compromise” (OIC) to the IRS. Just as it would seem, an OIC is very literally an offer made to the IRS which gives a foundation for why a given taxpayer’s debt should be settled […]

Offer in Compromise

Pros & Cons of an Offer in Compromise

There are more than enough reasons someone might not be able to pay the Internal Revenue Service during tax season. The problem is, most people don’t know what to do when a tax problem arises. The IRS may suggest that you make an offer in compromise, but should you follow that advice it or seek […]

New York OIC

New York State Offer in Compromise

I was recently researching  a New York State Offer in Compromise (OIC) for a client and thought it might make an interesting topic for this blog. New York Offer in Compromise (OIC) Similar to the Internal Revenue Service’s Ofrfer in Compromise, a New York State Offer in Compromise (OIC) allows financially distressed taxpayers a way to […]

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